• | ScanReg-Compr&RegClean,HelpWithWindows.htm (HTML file)
| about “ScanReg.exe” - Compress
& “RegClean”,
• | ScanReg-Custom,HelpWithWindows.htm (HTML file)
| about ScanReg.exe” - Customize,
• | WindowsRegistry-Accessing, (HTML file)
| “Windows Registry” - Accessing,
• | WSH2-DevGuide, (ZIP file)
| all about “Windows Scripting Host 2”,
by G. Born,
• | IE-Data,FKiechel.htm (HTML file)
| various Internet Explorer - Data registry entries, by F. Kiechel
• | RegEdit-Basics,SS64.htm (HTML file)
| “RegEdit” - Basics,
by (?)
• | Req_Files,FreeWareWeb.htm (HTML file)
| Required Files,
• | Dir,File,Folder.reg.txt (text file)
| Directory, File, & Folder registry entries
(as exported from the registry)
[ NOTE: don’t just “Click” on any file listed below -- unless you wish to add its information to your Computer’s “Windows” Registry, or (if it’s a ’Script“ file) ’run“ it. ]
“Windows” Registry “import” files (“.reg”)
• | AlexaExtn-Kill.reg
| all registry “Alexa” Extensions (“spyware”) - Kills them all
• | ANY-EditWinword6.reg
| adds the option to explorer’s “context menu”
(“right click” on file)
– for ANY file – which allows you to Edit it with “Winword 6”
• | ANY-EditWordPad.reg
| adds the option to explorer’s “context menu”
(“right click” on file)
– for ANY file – which allows you to Edit it with “WordPad”
• | ANY-OpenIE.reg
| adds the option to explorer’s “context menu”
(“right click” on file)
– for ANY file – which allows you to Open it with “Internet Explorer”
• | BAS_File.reg
| registers “Basic” files (“*.bas” )
for windows “QuickBasic” (QBasic.exe)
• | C++_File.reg
| registers “C++” files (“*.cpp” ) for “Turbo C++”
• | Cert&SignOff.reg
| sets “Internet Explorer” properties: Certificates & Signatures “OFF”
• | CertsOff.reg
| sets “Internet Explorer” properties: Certificates “OFF”
• | DLL-AlwaysUnload,TweakMgr.reg
| DLL’s - sets explorer to Always Unload them from memory,
by TweakManager -
• | DLL-AlwaysUnload-OFF.reg
| DLL’s - sets “Always Unload” (from memory) OFF
• | Exe-SignatureOFF.reg
| sets “Internet Explorer” properties: “Exec. files - Signature” OFF
• | Expl-AttrCol-ON.reg
| sets “Explorer” properties: “Attributes Column” - ON
• | Expl-AttrCol.reg
| creates for “Explorer”: an “Attributes” Column
• | Expl-VolsPropSht(Nero).reg
| creates for “Explorer”: a “Nero Express”-type
“Volumes Property Sheet”
• | ExplMenu-OpenNewWin.reg
| adds the option to Explorer’s “context Menu”
(“right click” on file/folder)
– which allows you to Open it as a New Window
• | Favorites-Add-XMenu.reg
| Internet Explorer: “Favorites” - Add eXtended Menu
• | IE-ViewSourceEditor-WordPad.reg
| Internet Explorer: sets “View Source” Editor to “WordPad”
• | IPages-OpenAsHTML.reg
| sets other Internet Pages (.asp, .cfm, .psp, etc.) to Open As a HTML file
• | LocalMachineNAVIGATE.reg
| sets (allows) Local Machine to Navigate
• | LocalNtwk.reg
| registers a Local Network
• | MsInstaller(MsI.exe)Un-.reg
| Un-registers “MsInstaller” (MsInstaller.exe)
• | MsInstaller-Un.reg
| Un-registers “MsInstaller” (MsInstaller.exe)
• | ProcessExplorer-MyCols.reg
| “Process Explorer” - sets “My Columns”
• | PublisherCertRevo-Check.reg
| sets “Publisher Certificate Revocation” - “Check“ (“ON“)
• | RecentDocs-ClearOnExit.reg
| sets Recent Documents to Clear On Exit
• | RecentDocsHistory-NO.reg
| sets Recent Documents History - NO (don’t create)
• | RecycleBin-Rename.reg
| “Recycle Bin” - allows Rename
• | RTF_File-OpenWordpad.reg
| sets “.RTF” files to Open with “Wordpad”
• | StartMenuScrollPrograms,Annoy.o.reg
| sets “Start Menu” to Scroll Programs,
• | SWF-Uninstall.reg
| “Shockwave Flash” - Uninstalls
• | Sys_Mon-My.reg
| “System Monitor” - imports My columns setup
• | TimeIntl.reg
| sets “Time” display to “International”
• | UNK_File-OpenNotepad.reg
| sets an “Unknown File” to Open with “Notepad”
• | W98-UnIntegrate.reg
| “Windows 98” - “Un-Integrate”s
/2ary (folder)
• | BMP-OpenWithIE.reg
| sets Bitmap files (“*.bmp)” to Open with “Internet Explorer”
• | ContigFileAllocSize.reg
| sets Contiguous File - Allocate Size
• | ControlSet2-Reboot.reg
| sets Control Set 2 - Reboot
• | CpuPriority-Hi.reg
| sets CPU Priority to “Hi”
• | CpuPriority-Max.reg
| sets CPU Priority to “Max”
• | CpuPriority-Std.reg
| sets CPU Priority to “Standard”
• | FindFaster.reg
| sets “Find Faster” (post-Win98)
• | IE-DsoExploit.reg
| fixes “Internet Explorer” - “DSO Exploit” security error
• | IE-google.reg
| sets “Internet Explorer” -search to
• | IE-ProxyOFF.reg
| sets “Internet Explorer” - Connections Proxy server “OFF”
• | IE-ProxyON.reg
| sets “Internet Explorer” - Connections Proxy server “ON”
• | IeDeskIcon-NO.reg
| sets “Internet Explorer” - Desktop Icon - “NO” (absent)
• | IeDeskIcon.reg
| sets “Internet Explorer” - Desktop Icon (present)
• | JavaVM-Security-ZonedOFF.reg
| sets “Java Virtual Machine” Security - Zoned “OFF”
• | JavaVM-Security-ZonedON.reg
| sets “Java Virtual Machine” Security - Zoned “ON”
• | MaxServerConns-OEM.reg
| sets “Maximum Server Connections” - “OEM”
• | MaxServerConns-Opt.reg
| sets “Maximum Server Connections” - “Optimal”
• | OE-Store-TempFolder.reg
| “Outlook Express” - Store in Temporary Folder (“C:\\TEMP”)
• | RegDone-Set.reg
| Sets “Windows” “Registration” - “Done”
• | RegDone-Unset.reg
| Sets “Windows” Registration” - “Undone”
| sets some of my current “Windows” start-up entries
• | UpdateMode.reg
| sets “Update Mode”
• | UsbPoll-Original.reg
| sets “USB Poll” to “Original”
• | UsbPoll-SetIdle.reg
| sets “USB Poll” to “Idle”
• | WaitStates-Oem.reg
| sets “Wait States” to “OEM”
• | WaitStates-Optimize.reg
| sets “Wait States” to Optimal
• | WebCheck.reg
| sets “Web Check” to “Yes”
• | WU-StepOff.reg
| sets “Windows Update” - “Step Mode” to “OFF”
• | WU-StepOn.reg
| sets “Windows Update” - “Step Mode” to “ON”
• | WURestore,K-K.reg
| Restores “Windows Update”
(entries: “NoWindowsUpdate”, “WindowsUpdateAccess”, etc.),
• | X_File-OpenWINWORD.reg
| sets “Unknown File” to Open with “WinWord(6)”
/data (folder)
• | About-URLs.reg
| registry data: added for “About” URL’s
• | Acrobat5+.reg
| registry data: added for Acrobat5
• | FrontPageEx-Data.reg
| registry data: added for “Front Page Express”
• | HTM,etc.reg
| registry data: added for HTML files, etc.
• | MSI_not_MSInstaller.reg
| registry data: all entries for “MsI...”, that are NOT “MsInstaller”
• | MsInstaller(MsI.exe).reg
| registry data: added for “MsInstaller” (’MsInstaller.exe”)
• | Proxy-SetOFF+.reg
| registry data: added for “Internet Explorer” -
set Connections Proxy server “OFF”
• | Proxy-SetON+.reg
| registry data: added for “Internet Explorer” -
set Connections Proxy server “ON”
• | SwFlash7+.reg
| registry data: added for “Shockwave Flash 7”
• | WordPad+.reg
| registry data: added for “WordPad”
“JavaScript” files
• | REGISTRY-SampleScript,M$.JS
| Windows Registry - Sample Script, by Micro$oft
• | Windows98SerialKey-RegRead.js
| Windows 98 “SerialKey” script
(taken from “Windows 98 Serial Key” Visual Basic program,
• | WindowsProductKey,PCTools.js
| WindowsProductKey script,
“Visual Basic” files
• | (Un)RegisterDLL-OCX.vbs
| Un-Registers “DLL” and “OCX” files