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See help on customising and using reg files.
Most people call a some numbers quite frequently. These are usually quite few, a best friend from home or a partner from work. A Windows shortcut can dial a phone. This tip lists two ways of easily dialing frequent numbers.
Windows includes a phone dialer but it's a few mouse clicks to use (6 to start and click the number, 1 to talk, 1 to exit). This allows two mouse clicks if it's on the desktop, three if on the Start Menu.
Before going on you'll need to know what com port your modem is connected to. Open Control Panel and choose Modems. Select your modem and click Properties. Your Comm Port is listed under Port.
@echo off echo Dialing Mum echo ATDT 99999999 >com2 Echo. Echo Press any key when Mum answers or you want to hang up. pause echo ATH >com2
Copy these lines into a new Text Document. Rename it Speller.vbs. Double click it and a dialog box will ask for a word or phrase (max 1024 characters) to spell check. The corrected string will be copied back to the clipboard. Requires Word 97 or 2000.
'Speller.vbs 'Checks spelling and copies corrected string to the clipboard ' 'Serenity Macros 'David Candy ' On Error Resume Next strTitle="Spelling Checker" A="" B="" Dim oWD Set oWD = WScript.CreateObject("Word.Application") ReportErrors "Creating Word" oWD.Visible =false oWD.Documents.Add A=InputBox("Please enter the word to be checked","Quick Speller") If oWD.CheckSpelling(A)=false then oWD.Selection.TypeText A oWD.ActiveDocument.CheckSpelling Set myRange = oWD.ActiveDocument.Range(0,oWD.Selection.End) B=myRange.Text myRange.copy Else MsgBox A & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "is spelt correctly",vbOKOnly + vbInformation, strTitle End If ReportErrors "Using Word's dictionary" oWD.Quit 0 Set oWD=Nothing If B<>"" Then MsgBox B & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Has been copied to the clipboard",vbOKOnly + vbInformation, strTitle End If VisitSerenity Sub ReportErrors(strModuleName) If err.number<>0 then Msgbox "Error occured in " & strModuleName & " module of " & err.number& " - " & err.description & " type" , vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Something unexpected" Err.clear End Sub Sub VisitSerenity If MsgBox("This program came from the Serenity Macros Web Site" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Would you like to visit Serenity's Web Site now?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Visit Serenity Macros") =6 Then sh.Run "http:\\\biz\serenitymacros" End If End Sub
The first three sections are from Tweak95 available on the downloads page. The fourth section is changes with Win98.
A command to exit Windows 95. This can only be used to shutdown, not restart or exit to msdos. To exit to msdos type ExitToMsDos which runs the Pif file of the same name. Place command in a shortcut or batch file.
C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE user.exe,ExitWindows
To restart Windows copy Exit To Dos.pif (the pif part is hidden) and copy and rename it to Restart Windows. Edit the Program Sheet in the properties Change the command line to:
C:\WINDOWS\ /C exit
Make sure Close On Exit is checked. On the Advanced dialog check Use Current MSDos Configuration to exit and restart Windows without rebooting. Check Warn Before Entering MSDos Mode if confirmation is required before exiting and restarting. MSDos Mode must be checked.
An alternative way is to use the ExitWindowsExec function. This exits to MSDos to run a program, but as no program is given Windows restarts. Tpye into a shortcut or Start - Run dialog box.
C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL.EXE user.exe,ExitWindowsExec
This reg file will set the default choice in the Shut Down dialog box. Windows 95B and IE4 remember the last setting chosen, so to set the default for these versions (rather than the last action) add the following command line to C:\Windows\Winstart.bat (create Winstart.bat if necessary). Remember to use the short filke name.
Regedit C:\<Path to Reg File>\ShutDown.Reg
Or this command line to a shortcut and put it in the StartUp folder.
Regedit /s C:\<Path to Reg File>\ShutDown.Reg
REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] '1=first choice in dialog box, 2=second choice, ect. "Shutdown Setting"=dword:00000001
Using the User.exe & User32.dll Exit Windows functions doesn't allow any control over what type of shutdown is preformed as parameters aren't passed, they operate as if 0 is passed - which is shutdown for ExitWindows and Logoff for ExitWindowsEx. An undocumented function SHExitWindowsEx in Shell32.dll which is what Explorer seems to use does take parameters.
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx [optional number in hex]
Action | Value in Hex |
EWX_POWEROFF for machines that turn off their own power | 8 |
These values can be added together, eg, 5 is shutdown and force applications to close and an implicit logoff.
Note their is no Restart without rebooting. This requires a parameter of 42 (hex) to be passed to ExitWindows in User.exe. This can't be done from the command line. See tip above for a work around.
Programs and documents can be added to the registry so typing their name without their path in the Start - Run dialog box or shortcut enables Windows to find them.
This is a generic reg file. Copy the lines below to a new Text Document and save it as anyname.reg. Edit it with your programs or documents.
In paths use \\ to seperate folder names in key paths as regedit uses a single \ to seperate it's key names. All reg files start with REGEDIT4. A semicolon turns a line into a comment. The @ symbol means to assign the value to the key rather than a named value.
The file doesn't have to exist. This can be used to set Word.exe to open Winword.exe.
This sample add IE.Txt (from IE5) to the registry so typing IE.Txt will open it. I think the file is called IE4.txt in IE4.
REGEDIT4 ;The bolded name below is the name of the document or program, <filename>.<file extension> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\IE.txt] ;The @ means the path to the file is assigned to the default value for the key. ;The whole path in enclosed in a quotation mark ". @="\"C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IE.txt\"" ;Optional Parameters. The semicolon means don't process the line. Remove it if you want to put it in the registry ;Informs the shell that the program accepts URLs. ;"useURL"="1" ;Sets the path that a program will use as its' default directory. This is commented out. ;"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office\\"
To remove a program or document use RegDelete from the Help Page. For the above example type the following into RegDelete (note the trailing backslash)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\format.txt\
This tip specifies whether to use a X-Mouse style interface. An X-Mouse interface (in part) means that windows the mouse is over are active. This has been added to Explorer Options on the Explorer page.
The user preference mask is a hexadecimal representation of bit values. To set use Windows Calculator and the values from the table below.
To use Windows Calculator take the value from UserPreferences and AND it with the value from the table below.
Action | Value in Hex |
Turn on x-mouse | 1 |
If on bring window to top | 40 |
REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "UserPreferencemask"=hex:fd,00,00,00 ;Sets the amount of time the mouse has to be over a window to activate it. ;In milliseconds in byte order reversed (00000bb8 = 3000 ms or 3 seconds). ;Default is 0 seconds and the key does not appear by default. "ActiveWndTrkTimeout"=hex:b8,0b,00,00
This reg file contains the general mouse settings.
REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse] ;The time in milliseconds for two click to be considered a double click "DoubleClickSpeed"="500" ;If mouse speed is 0 then no aceleration ;If mouse speed is 1 then when the mouse has moved the number of pixels in MouseThreshold1 ;during one interupt the speed is doubled ;If mouse speed is 2 then when the mouse has moved the number of pixels in MouseThreshold1 ;during one interupt the speed is doubled and when it has moved the number of pixels in MouseThreshold2 ;during one interupt the speed is quadrupled "MouseSpeed"="1" "MouseThreshold1"="4" "MouseThreshold2"="0" ;Swaps the left / right buttons "SwapMouseButtons"="0" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] ;The lines to scroll the page per click when rotating the wheel. minus numbers is pages "WheelScrollLines"="-1" ;The number of pixels that the mouse can move to be considered a double click or drag "DoubleClickHeight"="2" "DoubleClickWidth"="2" "DragHeight"="2" "DragWidth"="2" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Config\0001\Display\Settings] ;0 is no trails, 7 is maximun trails "MouseTrails"="7"
Unlike Backup in Windows 95 Backup in Windows 98 cannot run without a user clicking a few buttons. This means it cannot be automated. StartBackup is a small program that clicks the buttons so Backup will run without user intervention.
StartBackup /? | JobName
/? | Displays help |
JobName | The Backup job to run |
C:\windows\StartBackup.exe jobname
Note: If you want this program ported to another language (Spanish will be available soon) you must provide the following information,
Download (9K) includes source files
Download (9K) includes source files. In English but works with Dutch Windows 98.
Download (9K) includes source files. In English but works with Spanish Windows 98.
Download (9K) includes source files. In English but works with Italian Windows 98. Includes Italian Help File.
RegShortcut provides shortcuts to keys or values in the registry. It can be used as a command line utility or by right clicking in a explorer window (or desktop) and choosing New - Registry Shortcut.
RegShortcut /? | RegPath | /Unreg | /New
/? | Displays help |
RegPath | The registry key or value to open in Regedit |
/Unreg | Removes RegShortcut's registry entries |
/New | Runs Creates New Registry Shortcut Wizard |
Download (15K) includes source files
If an Apps.ini file exists and the registry has an entry pointing to it, then an extra tab appears on the Add/Remove Programs control panel applet called Network Install.
This is meant to list the setup programs that a user can install over the network. Though it works for local hard drives as well and it can be any Windows command line.
In the sample Apps.ini shown here the Winzip setup program on D:\setup\winzip32 is listed and also C:\windows\tips.txt, which, if chosen, will open Tips.txt in notepad. This can be used for a Readme before installing or perhaps reg files that configure the system in certain ways. The text on the left of the equal sign appears in the dialog box, and if chosen the command on the right is executed.
[AppInstallList] Winzip Ver 7=D:\setup\Winzip32\Winzip70.exe Windows Tips=C:\Windows\Tips.txt
If using UNC paths prefix the path with an asterisk,
[AppInstallList] Winzip Ver 7=*\\Servername\Winzip32\Winzip70.exe
To set the registry. Copy the lines below to a new Text Document and save it as AppsIni.reg. Edit it with your programs or documents. In paths use \\ to seperate folder names as regedit uses a single \ to seperate it's key names. This assumes that Apps.ini is in the C:\Windows directory.
REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] "AppInstallPath"="c:\\windows\\apps.ini"
The file Windows 98 Easter Egg.html is the file that running the easter egg generates. Copy it to C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\WELCOME (so it can find the sound files) and double click it.
Edit the file with a text editor and add your name to the list and amaze your friends who probably didn't know you designed Window 98.
The file IE5 Easter Egg.html is the file that running the IE5 easter egg generates. It can be placed anywhere.
Windows 98 but not 95 includes two programs from Windows 3.1 & 3.11 / Windows for Workgroups (WFW) 3.1 & 3.11 (Windows 3.1, 3.11. and WFW 3.1 are basically the same program - 3.11 included bug fixes amd WFW 3.1 included networking, WFW 3.11 was a substantial upgrade and included toolbars and VCache) despite official Microsoft statements to the contrary (see Q159852).
These are Cardfile and Clipbook. Cardfile is a simple database that can have pictures in it and dial numbers, it is supplied without a help file in Windows 98. Clipbook is similar to Clipboard Viewer but allows multiple items to be saved and allows the sharing of the clipboard over the network. There is no way to get Windows to install these programs, they must be manually installed.
The easiest way to install is to type SFC in the Start - Run... dialog box and choose Extract a file. Enter the following filenames one at a time;
cardfile.exe clipbook.exe clipsrv.exe clipbook.hlp
Create a new folder in your Programs Files folder, it can be called anything (perhaps Progs311) and copy the three .exe files here. Copy the .hlp file to C:\Windows\Help. Select all three .exe files and drag on to the Start Menu.