I really disliked the way we have to shut down
or reboot our computers...takes four mouse clicks. Gotta be
a better way, right? There is...
Make a shortcut and put it on your desktop. It doesn't matter
what it is a short cut to as we are going to change it.
Now right click it and select "Properties"
Type or copy & paste this into the Target window:
C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE shell32,SHExitWindowsEx
Note that for shortcuts there must
be a space between
shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 2
and also between
and 2 |
It should look like this...
Clicking on the shortcut will reboot your computer. You can
also shut down the computer in the same way. Just make another
shortcut and change the terminal "2" to "1"
like this...
C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE shell32,SHExitWindowsEx
1 |
There is a series of numeric variations that can be used. This
is the list:
C:\Windows\RUNDLL32.EXE shell32 SHExitWindowsEx n
Where n is:
0 = Log Off
1 = ShutDOwn
2 = Restart
4 = Forced
8 = Poweroff
You can combine these shotdown options by totaling their value.
E.g. 12 = Poweroff + Forced
and Shutdown:
Feel free to copy. :)
From the Keyboard...
If you'd rather reboot/shutdown with keyboard shortcuts, you
could easily do that with Hot Key Plus. The only difference
is that you need to break the "Target" into "Command
line" and "Parameters" like this... |
Shortcut "Target" line: C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE
shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 2
Hot Key Plus "Command line" C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE
Hot Key Plus "Parameters" shell32,SHExitWindowsEx
2 |