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Control Panel Items

Control Panel items are special-purpose dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) that let users configure the environment of Microsoft Windows.

This section describes Control Panel items and explains the functions and messages they use and process to complete their work.

About Control Panel Items

Although Windows provides a number of standard Control Panel items, you can create additional items that let users examine and modify the settings and operational modes of specific hardware and software.

Item Responsibilities and Operation

The primary responsibility of any Control Panel item is to display a window (typically a dialog box or property sheet) and to carry out any tasks specified by the user. Despite this responsibility, Control Panel items do not provide menus or other direct means for users to access their dialog boxes. Instead, these items operate under the control of another application and launch their subprograms only when requested by the controlling application.

Control Panel items, such as the Mouse item, are usually controlled by a Windows system utility specifically designed to give users access to these items. However, any application can load and manage Control Panel items as long as the controlling application sends messages and processes return values in a way recognized by Control Panel items.

Most Control Panel items display and manage a single subprogram, giving the user control of the settings and operational modes of a single system component. However, any given Control Panel item can provide any number of subprograms to control any number of system components. To distinguish between subprograms, a Control Panel item typically supplies the controlling application with a unique icon for each subprogram. The controlling application displays these icons, and the user can choose a subprogram by choosing the corresponding icon.

Item Entry-Point Function

Every Control Panel item must export the standard entry-point function, CPlApplet. This function receives requests in the form of Control Panel (CPL) messages and then carries out the requested work—initializing the item, displaying and managing the dialog box(es), and closing the item.

When the controlling application first loads the Control Panel item, it retrieves the address of the CPlApplet function and subsequently uses the address to call the function and pass it messages. The controlling application might send the following messages.

CPL_DBLCLK Sent to notify CPlApplet that the user has chosen the icon associated with a given subprogram. CPlApplet should display the corresponding dialog box and carry out any user-specified tasks.
CPL_EXIT Sent after the last CPL_STOP message and immediately before the controlling application uses the FreeLibrary function to free the DLL that contains the Control Panel item. CPlApplet should free any remaining memory and prepare to close.
CPL_GETCOUNT Sent after the CPL_INIT message to prompt CPlApplet to return a number that indicates how many subprograms it supports.
CPL_INIT Sent immediately after the DLL containing the Control Panel item is loaded. The message prompts CPlApplet to perform initialization procedures, including memory allocation.
CPL_INQUIRE Sent after the CPL_GETCOUNT message to prompt CPlApplet to provide information about a specified subprogram. The lParam1 value is an integer that represents the zero-based index of the subprogram about which information is being requested. The lParam2 parameter of CPlApplet points to a CPLINFO structure.
CPL_NEWINQUIRE Sent after the CPL_GETCOUNT message to prompt CPlApplet to provide information about a specified subprogram. The lParam1 value is an integer representing the zero-based index of the subprogram about which information is being requested. The lParam2 parameter is a pointer to a NEWCPLINFO structure. For better performance on Windows 95 and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, your application should process CPL_INQUIRE and not CPL_NEWINQUIRE.
CPL_SELECT Obsolete. Current versions of Windows do not send this message.
CPL_STARTWPARAMS Sent to notify CPlApplet that the user has chosen the icon associated with a given dialog box. CPlApplet should display the corresponding dialog box and carry out any user-specified tasks. This message is similar to CPL_DBLCLK, but there might be some additional information. The lParam1 parameter is the subprogram number and lParam2 is an LPCTSTR to any extra directions that might be necessary. CPlApplet should return TRUE if this message is handled, or FALSE if not. This message is valid for version 5.00 and later of Shell32.dll.
CPL_STOP Sent once for each subprogram before the controlling application unloads the Control Panel extension. CPlApplet should free any memory associated with the subprogram number provided in lParam1.

Message Processing

The CPlApplet callback function processes all messages sent to a Control Panel item by a controlling application. Messages sent to the function should be in a specific order. By the same token, the application requires the messages to be processed in a specific way.

First, the CPlApplet function receives the CPL_INIT message when the controlling application first loads the Control Panel item. The function should carry out any initialization, such as allocating memory, and return nonzero. If CPlApplet cannot complete the initialization, it must return zero, directing the controlling application to terminate communication and release the DLL.

Next, if the CPL_INIT message succeeded, the controlling application sends the CPL_GETCOUNT message. The function must then return the number of subprograms supported by the Control Panel item.

The CPlApplet function then receives one CPL_INQUIRE message and one CPL_NEWINQUIRE message for each subprogram supported by the Control Panel item. The function fills in a CPLINFO or NEWCPLINFO structure with information about your item, such as its name, icon, and a descriptive string. Most applications should process the CPL_INQUIRE message and ignore the CPL_NEWINQUIRE message. The CPL_INQUIRE message provides information in a form that the controlling application can cache, resulting in much better performance. The CPL_NEWINQUIRE message is useful only if you need to change your item's icon or display strings based on the state of the computer.

The CPlApplet function next receives a CPL_DBLCLK message as a notification that the user has chosen the icon representing the subprogram. The function might receive this message any number of times. The message includes the subprogram identifier and the value contained in the uMsg parameter. The function should display the corresponding dialog box and process subsequent user input.

Before the controlling application terminates, CPlApplet receives the CPL_STOP message once for each subprogram supported by the Control Panel item. The message includes the identifier for the subprogram and the uMsg value. The function should free any memory that it allocated for the specified dialog box.

After the last CPL_STOP message, CPlApplet receives a CPL_EXIT message. The function should free all remaining allocated memory and unregister any private window classes that it might have registered. Immediately after the function returns from this message, the controlling application releases the Control Panel item by calling the FreeLibrary function.

Item Setup

Every Control Panel item is a dynamic-link library. However, the DLL file must have a .cpl file name extension. For Windows 2000 and later systems, new Control Panel items should be installed in the associated application's folder under the Program Files folder. The path of the DLL must be registered in one of two ways:

  • If the Control Panel item is to be available to all users, register the path on a per-computer basis by adding a REG_EXPAND_SZ value to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Cpls key, set to the DLL path.
  • If the Control Panel item is to be available on a per-user basis, use HKEY_CURRENT_USER as the root key instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE .

The following two examples register the MyCplApp Control Panel item. The DLL is named MyCpl.cpl and is located in the MyCorp\MyApp application directory. The first registry entry illustrates per-computer registration, and the second illustrates per-user registration.

Control Panel
MyCpl= %ProgramFiles%\MyCorp\MyApp\MyCpl.cpl
Control Panel
MyCpl= %ProgramFiles%\MyCorp\MyApp\MyCpl.cpl

For systems prior to Windows 2000, new Control Panel items must be set up in one of the following ways:

  • Copy the DLL to the directory that contains the Windows system utility.
  • Copy the DLL to the Windows SYSTEM directory.
  • Write the path of the DLL using the WritePrivateProfileString function, specifying the string "MMCPL" as the section name and the string "control.ini" as the file name (no path). Do not actually write directly to the Control.ini file. Instead, use the WritePrivateProfileString function, which automatically handles differences among platforms. The following example demonstrates how you would set up the path for MyCpl.cpl.
    Note  Control.ini can also restrict which Control Panel items are loaded. It is not recommended that applications alter Control.ini for this purpose.

Creating Control Panel Items

Although a Control Panel item can support more than one subprogram, it processes all requests through the single CPlApplet function. In the following example, the Control Panel item supports three subprograms that let the user set preferences for a component stereo system attached to the computer. The example uses an application-defined StereoSubProgs array that contains three structures, each corresponding to one of the subprograms. Each structure contains all the information required by the CPL_INQUIRE message as well as the dialog box template and dialog box procedure required by the CPL_DBLCLK message. The code demonstrates how to fill the structures in the StereoSubProgs array.

#define NUM_SUBPROGS 3

typedef struct tagSubProg
    int icon;         // icon resource identifier
    int namestring;   // name-string resource identifier
    int descstring;   // description-string resource identifier
    int dlgtemplate;  // dialog box template resource identifier
    DLGPROC dlgfn;    // dialog box procedure


HANDLE  hinst = NULL;

HWND hwndCPL;      // handle to Control Panel window
UINT uMsg;         // message
LPARAM lParam1;    // first message parameter
LPARAM lParam2;    // second message parameter

LONG CALLBACK CPlApplet(hwndCPL, uMsg, lParam1, lParam2)
    int i;
    LPCPLINFO lpCPlInfo;

    i = (int) lParam1;

    switch (uMsg) {
        case CPL_INIT:      // first message, sent once
            hinst = GetModuleHandle("ecp.cpl");
            return TRUE;

        case CPL_GETCOUNT:  // second message, sent once
            return NUM_SUBPROGS;

        case CPL_INQUIRE: // third message, sent once per item
            lpCPlInfo = (LPCPLINFO) lParam2;
            lpCPlInfo->lData = 0;
            lpCPlInfo->idIcon = StereoSubProgs[i].icon;
            lpCPlInfo->idName = StereoSubProgs[i].namestring;
            lpCPlInfo->idInfo = StereoSubProgs[i].descstring;

        case CPL_DBLCLK:    // item icon double-clicked

        case CPL_STOP:      // sent once per item before CPL_EXIT

        case CPL_EXIT:    // sent once before FreeLibrary is called

    return 0;

Executing Control Panel Items

There are two ways to start a Control Panel item:

  • The user can open Control Panel and start an item by double-clicking the item's icon.
  • The user or an application can start a Control Panel item by executing it directly from the command line prompt.

An application can open the Control Panel programmatically using the WinExec function.

WinExec("c:\windows\system32\control.exe", SW_NORMAL);

The following example shows how an application can start the Control Panel item named MyCpl.cpl by using the WinExec function.

WinExec("c:\windows\system32\control.exe MyCpl.cpl", SW_NORMAL);

When Control Panel starts, it immediately executes the Control Panel item MyCpl.cpl. After the user finishes using the item and closes it, Control Panel ends.

When you use the WinExec function, the system can recognize special Control Panel commands.

control.exe desktopLaunches the Display Properties window.
control.exe colorLaunches the Display Properties window with the Appearance tab preselected.
control.exe date/timeLaunches the Date and Time Properties window.
control.exe internationalLaunches the Regional and Language Options window.
control.exe mouseLaunches the Mouse Properties window.
control.exe keyboardLaunches the Keyboard Properties window.
control.exe printersDisplays the Printers and Faxes folder.
control.exe fontsDisplays the Fonts folder.

For Windows 2000 and later systems:

control.exe foldersLaunches the Folder Options window.
control.exe netwareLaunches the Novell NetWare window (if installed).
control.exe telephonyLaunches the Phone and Modem Options window.
control.exe admintoolsDisplays the Administrative Tools folder.
control.exe schedtasksDisplays the Scheduled Tasks folder.
control.exe netconnectionsDisplays the Network Connections folder.
control.exe infraredLaunches the Infrared Monitor window (if installed).
control.exe userpasswordsLaunches the User Accounts window.

Extending System Control Panel Items

Some of the system items found in the Control Panel are extensible. To install a Control Panel extension, register your Shell extension as follows, where name is the predefined name of the system item (see table below).

Controls Folder
This is similar to the way you would register an extension for a predefined Shell object. Because the only Shell extensions supported by Control Panel items are property sheets, the registration must be under the shellex\PropertySheetHandlers key.

Control Panel itemnameRemarks
DisplayDeskAlso supports replacement of the Desktop page.
Display Settings AdvancedDeviceNonhardware-specific advanced properties.
Display Settings AdvancedDisplayHardware-specific advanced properties.
Internet OptionsInternetThe maximum number of extension pages is 18.
KeyboardKeyboardThe maximum number of extension pages is 30.
MouseMouseAlso supports replacement of standard pages. The maximum number of extension pages is 8.
Power OptionsPowerCfgThe maximum number of pages, including standard pages, is 18.
SystemSystemThe maximum number of extension pages is 8.

The Add or Remove Programs item in Control Panel is not a property sheet and therefore cannot be extended by the methods discussed here. Instead, its content is obtained from application publishers. For more information on adding content to Add or Remove Programs, see IAppPublisher, IEnumPublishedApps, and IPublishedApp.

Assigning Control Panel Categories

As of Windows XP, Control Panel supports categorization of Control Panel items. Windows XP provides support for third parties to add their Control Panel items to existing categories. However, third parties cannot add custom categories at this time.

Registering a Control Panel Item in a Category

To register a Control Panel item in a particular category, add a REG_DWORD entry, indicating the desired category, to the registry. The following table lists the possible categories and their category IDs.

Category IDCategory Name
0x00000000Other Control Panel Options. Any Control Panel item that does not specify a category ID is put in this category.
0x00000001Appearance and Themes
0x00000002Printers and Other Hardware
0x00000003Network and Internet Options
0x00000004Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices
0x00000005Performance and Maintenance
0x00000006Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options
0x00000007Accessibility Options
0x00000008Add or Remove Programs
0x00000009User Accounts
0x0000000ASecurity Center
Note  Available only in Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later
0xFFFFFFFFDo not add to any category

The following example registry entry assigns the application MyCPL.cpl to the category Appearance and Themes. Details of the entry are discussed in detail in the following sections.

Control Panel
Extended Properties
{305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74} 2
%SystemRoot%\System32\MyCPL.cpl= [REG_DWORD] 0x00000001

The registry key {305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74} 2 is the container for all category entries. That key represents SCID_CONTROLPANELCATEGORY, and is composed of PSGUID_CONTROLPANEL and PID_CONTROLPANEL_CATEGORY, both defined in Shlguid.h.

The Name entry is the full path of your .cpl file, using environment variables if desired. The Data entry for that Name should be one of the category IDs listed earlier, stored as a REG_DWORD.

In Windows XP SP2 or later, you can also register a Control Panel item using a string (REG_SZ) rather than a REG_DWORD. The string simply contains the number of the category, in either decimal or hexadecimal format. The following example registry entry assigns the application MyCPL.cpl to the category Appearance and Themes using a string.

Control Panel
Extended Properties
{305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74} 2
%SystemRoot%\System32\MyCPL.cpl= [REG_SZ] "1"

Registering a Control Panel Item to Multiple Categories

As of Windows XP SP2 or later, you can register a Control Panel item in more than one category. To do so, use a string containing a list of the category IDs, separated by commas, and in either decimal or hexadecimal format. The following example registry entry assigns the application Firewall.cpl to both the Network and Internet Options and Security Center categories, using decimal values.

Control Panel
Extended Properties
{305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74} 2
%SystemRoot%\System32\Firewall.cpl= [REG_SZ] "3,10"

The following example registry entry assigns the application Firewall.cpl to both the Network and Internet Options and Security Center categories, using hexadecimal values.

Control Panel
Extended Properties
{305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74} 2
%SystemRoot%\System32\Firewall.cpl= [REG_SZ] "3,0xA"

The categories Add or Remove Programs and User Accounts work somewhat differently from other categories in Control Panel. When one or more items are added to one of these two categories, the associated link in Control Panel opens a category page. The registered items appear in the lower portion of the page under the heading "or Pick a Control Panel icon". When no items are registered for one of these categories, the associated link in Control Panel directly invokes the standard Windows item for that category.

The Security Center category, available in only Windows XP SP2 or later, is also somewhat non-standard. Clicking this category opens the Security Center page in a new window. Items registered for Security Center appear in the lower portion of that page under the heading Manage security settings for:. Clicking an icon brings up its individual Control Panel item.

The parent key name Extended Property derives from the fact that you can access this property from script through the ExtendedProperty method on the ShellFolderItem object. The following sample Microsoft JScript code enumerates the Control Panel items and their category identifiers (IDs).

var strSCID = "{305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74} 2";
var shell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
var cpls = shell.Namespace(3).Items();   // 3 is the ID for Control Panel

for (i=0; i < cpls.Count; i++)
    var fldrItem = cpls.Item(i);
	Document.write("The cpl " + fldrItem.Name +
	               " belongs to category id " +

For Control Panel items that are implemented as Shell namespace extensions—for example, fonts or scheduled tasks—specify the category ID in the registry under the CLSID entry. For example, the registry entry for the Administrative Tools folder is as follows:

{305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74} 2= [REG_DWORD] 0x00000005

In this case, you create a value named {305CA226-D286-468e-B848-2B2E8E697B74} 2, then store the category ID as a REG_DWORD as before.

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