How to Use Microsoft Batch 98 to Install Windows 98
This article was previously published under Q214727 On This PageSUMMARY
This article describes how to use Microsoft Batch 98 (Batch.exe) to install Windows 98 on multiple computers.
MORE INFORMATIONInstalling and Running Batch 98
Customizable SettingsYou can customize the following system settings for Windows 98 batch installation:
General Setup OptionsThe following general Setup options can be customized:
Network OptionsThe following network options can be customized:
Optional ComponentsThe following optional components can be customized:
Internet Explorer OptionsThe following Internet Explorer options can be customized:
Advanced OptionsThe following advanced options can be customized:
Running Setup with the Batch (.inf) FileIf the Msbatch.inf file is located in the Windows 98 Setup folder, Windows 98 detects it and use it to install Windows 98.If the Msbatch.inf file is not located in the Windows 98 Setup folder, you can run Windows 98 Setup by specifying the name of the script as a command-line parameter. To do so, type
setup path\batch.inf
where path is the full path to the batch file, and batch.inf is the name of the batch file.To use a batch file in the Scripts folder on a server named NTSVR1, you would type setup \\ntsvr1\scripts\Msbatch.inf. Windows 98 Files Located on a Local ComputerYou can automate Setup when both the Windows 98 files and the batch file are located locally on the same computer.To automate Windows 98 Setup when the files are located on a local computer, run Setup by specifying the batch file by using the following syntax sdrive:\folder\setup.exe bdrive:\batch.inf
where sdrive is the is the drive containing the Setup files, folder is the folder containing the Setup files, bdrive is the drive containing the batch file, and batch.inf is the name of the batch file.
Windows 98 Files Located on a Network ServerYou can also automate Setup when both the Windows 98 files and the batch file are located on a server that can be accessed by the local computer.To do so, start the computer running the existing network client software. Connect to the server or drive that contains the Windows 98 source files. Note that the network administrator can include this step in the logon script to avoid user action. At a command prompt, run Windows 98 Setup by specifying the batch file that contains the Setup script. Use the following syntax \\server_name\windows\setup.exe batch.inf where server_name is the name of the server, windows is the folder that contains the Windows 98 files, and batch.inf is the name of your Setup batch file. NOTE: If Windows 98 is installed from a server, the location of the source folder is stored in the registry. When you add a device or require additional support files to run Windows 98, Setup automatically attempts to retrieve the files from the same location on the server. This eliminates the need to maintain a permanent network connection on the computer and makes it easier to modify the configuration of a computer in a networked environment. Multiple Computer Names and Static IP AddressesYou can enter multiple computer names and static IP addresses. To do so, create a text file with the list of computer names and the IP addresses for those computers. For example,
Once the batch file and text files are created, follow these steps in Batch 98 to create an installation for each computer:
Client, Server,
To use these files, use a command line to run Windows 98 Setup and use a specific file. For example: drive1:\setup.exe drive2:\public\bstp0001.inf
Where drive1 is a network drive containing the installation files, and drive2 is the location of the MSBATCH.INF file.
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