Everything you ever wanted to know about Windows 98 © ™

a gulletload of locally-cached files about how to improve your installation of Windows 98 © ™


The purpose of these pages is to provide a “jump-start” to new researchers and minimize “surfing time”.  The reader must use his/her own criteria to decide what has merit.  Some of these documents & programs raise more isues than they resolve.  Nothing here is “for sale”;  everything is “Free” and is provided as a public service.  Because websites often disappear, selected material has been archived.  Every effort has been made to note the copyright owner as well as the website URL.  (Please e-mail any updates/corrections to me.)  The reader is encouraged to visit those sites FIRST, and only use these archives as a “back-up”.


“WINDOWS”©™, “WINDOWS 98”©™, “WINDOWS Registry”©™, “REGSVR32.EXE”©™, “SCANREG.EXE”©™, and all similar & related WINDOWS©™ files & programs are Copyrighted (©), Trademarked (™), etc. by Micro$oft

Files I Wrote

Files Others Wrote


Because important web-sites are frequently “here today but gone tomorrow”, several of the above-listed were archived from various websites, as annotated above.  This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from any aforementioned website(s).  Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original author’s site.


Disclaimers ripped from stealthskater.com.